Ban Preacher Greed!

Preying TV Preachers
Funny Video
Video Links
Millennial Reign Novel
Church Then and Now
Brother Bear's Bully Pulpit
Preacher Prophecies
Work or STARVE!
SATAN Wants You to Tithe!
Tithe or Fry
Back to School Mom
Faith Partner Payback
Faith Medallion
Preacher Video
Oral's End
God Rebukes a Deadbeat Adulterer
Paul Visits a Modern Church
Ripoff Religion
Un-Holey Paddles
Why No 2-Way Giving
God Condemns Gaza Bombing
Holy Land Hell
Sarah Hagar and the Golden Rule
Free Gaza Video
Gaza and the Gibeonites
Jezebel Nazrael
Fasting & Tithing
Leecher Preachers
Church Thievery
Busted Down to Coach
That's Done Away
Tithing and Fasting Fun
Apostate Church
GAVE or Paid?
Tithing Contradicts Scripture
Sodom and Give Me Moolah
Gold Dust
Robbery Religion
Rebuttals to a tithe collector
Satan's Lies
Abusive Preaching
Pay Up, Pardner!
Misapplying Curses
It's Freedom, Not a Fad!
Preacher's Ballad
Tithing Chart
Tithe LIES Chart
Grandma's Grocery Money
Pleading for Pigeons
Blessings 4 Sale
Malachi: The REAL Robbers
Malachi in E.R.
S.F. Cartoons
Pay Up!
Cursing For Tithes
22 Tithin' Lies Git Their Licks
Adding to Acts
When Hell Freezes Over
Bashing Pulpit Lies
Many Mansions
Selling God's Favor
POEM: Keep Your Mouth Shut
Foxes in the Henhouse
Stop the Thievery
See Me Wear This Ring
Steer Clear of satan's Nets
Spiritual Harlotry
Holler For Dollars
My Personal Testimony
Forsaken and Found
Give All You've Got!
Tithing and Spiritual Abuse
Preying TV Preachers
House of God or House of Gain?
Why Miracles are Scarce
Spiritual Harlotry
The Appearance of Success
Alive With His Life
Did Jesus Teach Tithing?
F.A.C.T. or Fantasy?
The Chicken Chest
Worse Than an Infidel
No Longer Under Tribute
Fearful Judgment Is Coming On Deceivers
Muddy Mascara
Scary Visions Don't Make Bad Doctrine Good
Creed of the Greedy Preacher
God Thunders Against Greedy Deceivers
Non-tithers' Love for Jesus Questioned
Slavery Or Freedom?
Parasites in the Pulpit
Preachers Who Prey Over Vows
Profiteering From Supersized Lies
Like a Slot Machine
Redefining the Tithe to Take off the Cross
Satan's Infernal Revenue Service
Set God's People Free!
Tithing Truth in a Nutshell
Cashing in on the Unpardonable Sin
Unholy Hell Vision
How Church USED to Be




Oh, those preying TV preachers

Who milk the mail for cash

Blood-sucking Bible teachers

Who blow funds on a beer bash

After pitching your prayers in the trash.


Plant a seed for prosperity

I see a Rolex out there

So hurry to  my meet my  needs

Just open your wallet and share.


Golden swans in my shower stalls

A trip to the Holy Land

Costly paintings on my walls

Nothing’s too grand for God’s man.


Adorn my fingers with diamond rings

No off-the-rack suits for me!

Pay your taxes to the  king

Give, or you won’t receive!

The Bible says sow liberally

Blessings don’t come for free!


A vow of two thousand dollars

That’s God’s rock-bottom price

He’d rather not be bothered

With a measly ten or a five!


Send in that vow right now

Or the Lord will pass you by

Don’t stop praying (and paying)

Or the Fountain will run dry

And you’ll never get pie-in-the-sky!


Send me your wedding ring

I’ll take ANYTHING!

I’ll even take the food from your mouth

To help you prove your faith with a vow!


This is YOUR day for a miracle

You’ll receive a hundred-fold

So mail your money to me

If you want your cup to be full

This precious truth is worth more than gold

(At least it is to me!).