Church Differences |
Financial Contributions |
FREE WILL offerings
taken for the needy only, no tithing (2 Cor.9:7). No building projects to fund.
Members met in private homes (Rom.16:5; I Cor.16:19; Col.4:15) |
Tithing aggressively
taught. Non-tithers publicly shamed. Money
provides pastor’s perks, building fund, landscaping, exciting programs, etc. |
Pastoral support |
Freewill giving,
leadership sometimes worked on side (2 Cor.11:9; I Thes.2:9) |
Leadership supported
mainly through tithes, often live lavishly. |
Church Authority |
Elders taught
and led by example, but all related to one another as brethren (Matt.23:8; I Pet.5:3).
Only ONE Lord (Eph.4:5). |
Heirarchy of
MANY lords run the institutional church, from senior pastor all the way down to the deacon. |
Giving & Receiving |
well-being preached by Paul (2 Cor.8:13-15). All to have the same care one for
another (I Cor.12:25). |
Poor pew members
support rich clergy. Pastors drive fancy cars, take exciting holidays, and never
stop begging for more. |
Fellowship |
DAILY they fellowshipped
and broke bread from house to house. Christians shared possessions and looked
after everyone’s well-being. (Acts 2:42-47) |
Churches divide
into little cliques which some can’t fit into. Lonely folks leave church to try to save their faith. People
say “hello” once a week and that’s it. Occasional potluck meals,
plays, concerts, etc. |
Attitude toward poor |
in most cases (James 2 rebukes certain ones for favoring the rich). Jesus never
asked for money for Himself, only for the poor (Mark 10:21). Jesus called the poor blessed and said they ALREADY possessed
the kingdom of Heaven
(Luke 6:20). |
Neglect, sometimes
scornful blame for not “sowing enough seed”. Poor depicted as faithless
second-class believers and failures who don’t live like King’s Kids. Every man for himself. Pull yourself up by
your own bootstraps. God helps those who help themselves. |
Church Ministry
something to contribute to service (I Cor.14:26; Eph.4:16). No mention of pulpits,
pews, etc. The word “congregation” appears only in Old Testament,
except for a gathering of Jews in Acts 13:43. Clergy-laity divide didn’t
exist in early church. |
“Pew saints”
only pray, pay and obey. Ministry done mostly by pastor, visiting speakers and “song leaders”. Congregation are mostly spectators. Even some Charismatic churches discourage spiritual gifts out of fear
of offending visitors. |
Repentance toward
God and faith toward Christ preached as ONLY basis for reconciliation with God and acceptance by Him (Acts 20:21). Preaching done in demonstration of the Spirit and power (I
Cor.2:4-5). Real faith bore witness of Christ (Rom.1:8) |
love of God toward all men preached, without mentioning “the wages of sin is death” (Rom.6:23). Sinners entertained,
not warned. Positive messages only. Hell and God’s wrath against unrepentant sinners seldom mentioned. Powerless sermons,
catchy clichés, 7 keys to prosperity, ABC faith formulas, slick marketing. |
Moral Leadership |
under-shepherds commanded to be husband of ONE wife and set example for godly living (I Tim.3:2,12; Titus 1:6-9)). |
God wants preachers
to be happy regardless of who gets hurt. Repeated divorces and remarriages. Double
standard. Single mothers in congregation often shunned instead of loved and helped. |
Ministry Qualifications |
Same as above.
I Pet.5:2 forbids getting into the ministry for money. Verse 3 frowns on spiritual
dictators. Preachers must lead by example.
Humility and purity of heart a must. |
Personal magnetism,
good looks, beautiful face, sexy figure, expensive attire, success as an author or seminar speaker. An honorary (unearned)
title of “Doctor” doesn’t hurt. |
Giving of Alms |
Peter didn’t
rebuke lame beggar for asking for alms (Acts 3). Peter and John truthfully said
they had no money. But they did get the beggar healed. Paul collected donations for needy churches (Rom.15:26; 2 Cor.8:7-15). |
Only half-hearted
prayer support usually given needy Christians. It’s cheaper. Preachers
are biggest beggars in church. They solicit unscriptural money tithes for a new
car or vacation. But poor tithe-payers can’t get help with heating or rent. |
Definition of Church |
The Body of
Christ, comprised of many members gifted by the Spirit of God to edify one another in love and allow the life of Christ to
minister in and through them as they gather together (I Cor. Chap.12).
Actions speak
louder than words. Church is mainly a social club for affluent people who love
only those like themselves. Or, “church” could mean just the fancy building the sheeple meet in.