Yes, the Lord says, greedy preachers have sucked the life out of poor Christian believers long enough. Now hear the message I preached through Ezekiel in Chapter 34: Know ye that I am going to deliver My flock out of the hand of ministers who foul My Waters of Life with their dirty feet,
to discourage the needy and the thirsty from drinking from them. I will deliver My lambs out of the hand of those who have
ruled over them with rigor. With force and with cruelty have wolves in sheep’s
clothing ruled over My elderly saints and My weak and infirm ones, demanding that they give, give give like the daughter of
the horseleach (Proverbs 30:15) which sucks the lifeblood and vitality out of her host.
Self-appointed tribute agents have exacted more than their rightful due. And
just what ARE the dues My people owe them? Only to love one another with a selfless
love which cares for the welfare of their brother and sister (Romans 13:8). That
is My commandment, that you owe no man anything except to love them. When
fraudsters brainwash My people into believing that they owe them a tenth of their sweat and labor, they bring them into terrible
bondage by teaching an evil lie contrary to My Word: that they DO owe their prominent religious figures more then just love.
They owe them tribute! Tribute such as an imperious, haughty king might collect
off his serfs. Days before the slave’s paltry paycheck is hot off the press, ministers of deceit view their brother
or sister as already being in debt TO THEM to fork over ten per cent of it. Thus
they bring My people, whom I have called to be a Chosen Nation and a Royal Priesthood, back into the degradation and slavery
of Egypt. And these wicked Pharaohs in
fancy suits will not decrease the tale of bricks their slaves must deliver to them whenever that abominable tribute bag is
passed around in My Name!
Week after week after week, sometimes two or three times weekly that accursed Judas bag makes its rounds at what
you call "church". My people get no sabbath rest from it. In the Old Testament I gave my people an entire year off from tithing every seventh year, which was the
Sabbath Rest of the Land. And even when they did tithe, it was only during one
brief season per year, not this continual sucking off the labor of poor people as goes on today, to rob the very bread out
of their mouths. Greedy preachers of the Gospel of Get have, like Judas, sold their Lord out for a bagful of cash.
Were the tithes not taken from the Land to feed the poor? But today’s
tithes are taken from the sweat of the poor person’s brow to make the rich richer.
I am nauseous from hearing thousands of sermons on "tithing", and hardly any on what it means to belong to My Royal
Nation of Priests. Did any of the priests of ancient Israel go without in order to tithe on the wages of sweat, or were tithes brought
in to feed them instead? And just who ARE My anointed priests except My whole nation of born-again believers in Christ? Who
do these conmen and crooks think they are, demoting the "common" believer to a destitute slave, so as to exalt themselves
as lords over My inheritance to rob them and steal the very sustenance from their mouths?
I am indignant toward the craftiest snakes of all: those who exploit the unpardonable sin to plunder the paychecks
of poor saints. So I struck Ananias and Sapphira dead for not tithing? That’s
news to Me! I killed those two for lying to the Holy Spirit, saith the Lord,
not for non-tithing. Deceivers of darkness know they’re lying in the pulpit and over the airwaves and the Internet. They are like a criminal assailant who whispers sweet nothings into the ear of a woman
so he can divert her attention as he ravishes her. He does it politely and with
polished speech, but just the same he has violated her, just as much as if he had used foul language while doing it. He has taken the most precious things she had: her dignity, her peace and her sense
of worth. My Bride the Church is sick and tired of being told I will do thus
and thus to punish her if she doesn’t fork over protection money to the
mobster in the pulpit. People are sick of being held ransom to ceaseless demands for tribute money.
I am going to go from prison cell to prison cell, saith the Lord, and unlock My people out of their cells of ignorance. Even as I set the Children of Israel free from Egyptian bondage in only one night,
the great glad news of 100%, not partial, Christian liberty in Christ Jesus is going to sweep America in particular from coast
to coast and spread to other lands. My people have been going round in circles, like blind Samson, laboring like a donkey
to benefit their overlords. But I will lift the scales from their eyes so that
these My precious children realize for the very first time that they have the right to enjoy the fruits of their labor and
invest it themselves in worthy works of My Kingdom as I direct them.
I am going to war with a mighty thundering voice against ministers of deceit from the highest heavens. I will demand an accounting from rich overlords as to what they’ve done with My people’s blood
money. So many have gone without heat in the winter, done without dental care,
done without proper nutrition, done without new clothes, the elderly have even skipped taking their necessary medicine, just
to make life easier for their overbearing masters. Well, I am about to roar in
My indignation and put an end to all the thievery and robbery going on in My Holy Name.
My Name has been made a reproach by reprobates and lost sinners who have watched the antics of fishers for funds on
TV. I am going to silence forever those lying conmen who wave a Bible behind
the pulpit calling down My retribution upon people who don’t dump their life savings into their so-called "ministry".
When they stand before Me at the Judgment, they will see themselves in My mirror for what they are: greedy dogs which can
never have enough (Isaiah 56:11). And in that dread day, they shall stand naked and exposed in the sin they strove to cover
up with flowery religious speech. Found unclad in the Holiness of My Son, those
liars who worshipped as their real god money with numbers on it will be found to be castaways fit only for the fire (I Cor.
9:27; II Cor. 2:1-3; Phil. 3:18-19; Heb. 6:8).
If Peter
and Paul didn’t tell Christians to pay tithes, no modern preacher has a right to, either, regardless of what prestigious
position he claims to occupy. And nobody’s got the right to extort cash out of Christians by threatening them with the
unpardonable sin or that I will send a curse upon the poor of my people. these ought to be fed by rich preachers instead of
devoured by them, and having their substance confiscated!!! What a despicable slur against the spirit of My love to My people, to ever teach such a blasphemy!!! Multitudes have renounced Christ and have gone
to hell, not because they failed to tithe, but because of stinking lies told them from pulpits! Lies spawned in the depths
of hell! The blood of those who went to hell because they associated Jesus with religious con men is on the hands of those
who have lied about My loving, gracious nature, and surely I will require it of them at the judgment!!!
Instead of
hoping that non-tithe-payers will drop dead for refusing to pay your extortion tax, you ought to fall flat on your face and
hope My spirit grants you repentance before it’s everlastingly too late!!! For
I the sovereign lord declare unto you and your kind, it is not the name of a man you have debased and slandered in the eyes
of sinners. It is My holy Name, the Name of the Most High God, which has been made a mockery by sinners because you have dragged
it in the mud through deceit and fraud. Repent now, or I shall weigh you in the balance in the dread day of My wrath and find
you wanting with other workers of iniquity who made merchandise of My Holy Name!!! (Matt. 7:23). Fire unquenchable awaits
the chaff which is not disposed of from your life at this time, for bloody works of deceit shall not be rewarded with the
riches which endure to eternity. They shall be flung far from My holy face as a filthy rag, for they are all an unclean thing,
and they are the fruit of oppression and robbery (Ezekiel 22:29). No thief or
liar has any inheritance in My kingdom, saith the Lord. If they will not let
go of their foul works, their sins shall drag them into the lake of fire along with them when I dispose of the garbage which
has gone on in the congregations of the righteous.
I alone weigh
the hearts and discern the deepests thoughts and intents of man. Just who are you to gauge the degree of someone else’s
love for Jesus against the filthy lucre they dump into your Judas bag of covetousness? I spit on your rubbish pile of wicked
works! Instead of smelling a sweet savor I smell the blood, sweat and tears of
righteous children of God turned into poor peons, impoverished not just outwardly but inwardly from despair, fear and discouragement
because of the heavy burdens they bear! Burdens put upon them by your greed and
your meanness! Repent, ye workers of iniquity!
The party is over!!!!!!
You fishers
for funds have made the heart of the righteous sad, whom I have not made sad (Ezekiel 13:22).
Unless you repent, you shall all be called to account for it and made to suffer for it in the world to come, saith
the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.