You Treated Me Like a Slot Machine Matt.7:22-23;II Cor.5:10;I Tim.6:5;Jude
11; Rev.21:8
What is the Lord likely to say To greedy churchmen on Judgment Day? What would he say to the ones
led astray? The thief in the pulpit who preached to get rich The blind one he caused to fall into a ditch First we'll
consider the one who was bilked The brainwashed cash cow who got greedily milked.
He comes before Christ his works
to receive The man wishes for great reward But he cannot hope very confidently There is disappointment on the face
of His Lord.
What have you brought to present to Me? Christ asks the one He died to set free. What are these
structures of straw which I see? Those rusting tin toys piled high in heaps?
Horrified, the man sees his treasures
set on fire All the temporal toys he was taught to desire Prosperity tapes he'd soaked up for hours Seminars he'd
hungrily devoured.
Surely, thought the man, his religion should be spared The Lord should commend all the dollars
he'd shared To save Brother Smiley's great ministry Surely God would give gold for all that tithe money… Or
would He?
The man remembered all he'd done without To obey a preacher whose stick was stout That door swings
both ways! The preacher had cried. Get lost right now if you refuse to tithe!
An angel points at a big pile of cash It
goes up in smoke and soon turns to ash The man cries out in deepest despair All that sacrifice, don't You hold it dear?
the Lord said with tears in His eyes I taught you the truth about the tithe But you preferred to hold fast to lies Tithes
consisted only of food And tithing was never commanded to you! As a member of my New Covenant priesthood You should
have trusted only in My blood Your tithes denied Your position in Me A co-heir of Christ completely set free!
about my offerings, Lord? Surely I helped provide for the poor! Whenever I heard that man on TV I'd always respond
to his tearful plea He said you'd reward me a hundred-fold And I'd lay up heavenly treasures of gold He promised
You'd make me an heir of good things And even on earth I'd live like a king!
I don't like being treated like a slot
machine Said the Lord to the man who stood quaking Your loyalty was to Prosperity You paid your dues to stay in
that club That carnal church devoid of love.
All those offerings to those clowns on TV Whose mouths do you think
they went to feed? That grinning snake with the poodle-permed hair Lived life in luxury without a care Three homes
he owned, thanks to saints he fooled But now he's far worse off than you!
The smell of smoke is on your garments But
at least you'll be spared eternal torment You prayed for forgiveness at the last possible moment Your sins are forgiven,
you are spared judgment But your tempter died in his sin.
A thousand years later at the Great White Throne Appears
a figure with heart hard as stone With grudging obeisance he falls to his knees And makes excuses and fearful pleas.
Jesus, don't punish me further, have mercy! Begs the oily-tongued worker of iniquity Jesus asks him, Where was YOUR
mercy When you told lies in the name of gain and greed? You taught your so-called prosperity But look at the damage
it did to Me!
Nationwide My name was lampooned Mocked as mercenary by satan's fools You more than devoured the
widows' mite You put her in bondage to vows and tithes You twisted the loving grace of My Word So you could more
easily a profit turn.
You treated Me like a slot machine You cheapened the grace of your Heavenly King You sold
Me for silver just like Judas did You foul religious hypocrite!
You bound my people 'neath heavy burdens Marriages
crumbled beneath your demands You turned my free people into your own servants There are bloodstains on your hands From
people who refused to come to Me Because of the bad press caused by your greed.
Some of My brethren deserted Me Because
they associated Me with your greed Why didn't I reward their tithe And give them gold for obeying your lies? So many
sheep were devoured by guilt Needless guilt you gladly instilled But never did you lose any sleep From fleecing and
skinning My gullible sheep.
I sorrowed over those who went away But you stayed happy because you were paid Paid
the wages of a lying prophet Whose lies brought him a tidy profit Now your riches are corroded Plucked up by the
roots you are twice dead.
Get out of my sight! Go where you belong! To the furnace of fire prepared for all
liars You sold My righteousness for a big bag of wrong So off you go to the Lake of Fire.