Or Freedom?
My people get
hurt over and over again by unscrupulous thieves who lie to them about the things of My Word.
But so many of My dear saints are very reluctant to sever ties with their favorite celebrity preachers, regardless
of overwhelming evidence that their so-called faith formulas don’t work, and all the preacher is after is their cash.
Why can’t
My people cut themselves free of the ties that bind them to an illusion fabricated out of fantasy and misapplication of Scripture? Why do so many of those who have the evidence right in front of their eyes still want
so desperately to believe the lies they’ve been taught?
This happens
because the flesh nature likes to act religious and take the credit when things do go right in a person’s life. When, against all odds, material blessing comes to a donor, that one feels vindicated
for believing people, rather than listening to other Christians who caution them to stick strictly to a right dividing of
My Word.
There is an
innate fear in human beings of not always being in total control. That is a legacy of the fallen flesh nature which cannot
trust Me to take care of things beyond the power or sphere of man. Christians
desperately want to think they’re helping Me bring them their miracle. So
many have been lied to and told by preachers that unless THEY themselves “plant a seed to meet their need” I have
nothing to work with and My hands are effectively tied. They trust in what is visible more than in the Invisible God Who made
Before any of
you were born, I created the world out of what you term nothing. I did not depend
on anyone’s cash donations to fund the greatest building project that ever was: this immense universe with its vast
star constellations, galaxies, and planets. I can certainly support any true
work in this earth which is worthy of carrying on. I don’t need to deprive some poor elderly saint of food in the winter in order to fund the works
of My hands.
My people have
been CONDITIONED by foxes in the pulpit to think that unless THEY do something, their faith in My finished work on Calvary
is in vain. And that something is nearly always a work of the flesh. Send the preacher money or you’ll never receive a blessing from the Lord, so many hear. There is something emotionally satisfying about keeping your
hands busy, or digging into your pocket “as a point of contact” so as to try to force My own hand to action. But that is not My way.
Faith without
works is dead, preachers say, quoting out of My Word for their own wicked purposes.
But the works of My Spirit and the works of fear and desperation are two different things. I will LEAD you to take this or that step, I won’t pressure you or drive you to empty your bank account
as a “leap of faith” to “prove God” before a certain period of time expires. Preachers tell YOU to wait in patient expectancy because I have My own time to reward you. That sounds
like it is pure truth, but the clear inference is that I WILL endorse the preacher’s schemes by bringing monetary reward
or healing in exchange for your “sacrifice”. One of satan’s
favorite tricks is to mix a tiny dose of error into a stream of truth. He casts
doubt on My faithfulness by allowing me to be “praised” by emotional preachers, with stirring music in the background. That moves emotional saints to give TO THEM, praising Me for such a wonderful speaker
who gave a wonderful “new revelation”. I feel compassion for those
who ignorantly fall into this snare, but I cannot give credibility to false doctrine by rewarding the practice of it. And when poverty or illness strikes the donor harder than ever before, that one’s
faith is shattered because I allegedly failed to keep My Word. I am wounded afresh
and put to an open shame (Heb.6:6). I, being innocent of the preacher’s
deceit, am wrongfully blamed for what the ravening wolf has done to defraud the innocent because he used My name fraudulently.
The most unscrupulous
will brazenly promise that before so many days have promised I will make you materially wealthy, or otherwise exalt you to
temporal prosperity. They don’t worry about the failures and the heartbreaking
disappointments their listeners go through, because a whole new batch of new faces will soon appear to watch their antics
on TV, and to cheer them on. While preachers expect YOU to be patient, they want to be very sure they get THEIR pleasurable
things to waste upon their own lusts as soon as possible.
jump to their tune anymore. I said plainly in My Word, I would have you to REST in My works and to cease from your own. Abraham got way ahead of Me and produced an Ishmael with his slave woman. Today you still see the resultant conflict going on. The seed of this present-day Mideast turmoil was the anxiety
in Sarai’s heart that unless SHE acted first and Abraham planted a seed in fertile ground, their miracle might never
come. The son of the flesh was quick and convenient, but it was not miraculous.
I was gracious even in the messy aftermath of Abraham’s bad judgment. For
his sake I promised to bless Ishmael and make him fruitful. I brought some good
out of Abraham’s misstep in that I love the Arab peoples as much as any other ethnic group on earth. I have brought many sons to faith in Christ out of Arab nations, even as I have from all other peoples.
Sarah and Abraham
meant well, but plenty of other people got hurt. Hagar was used by others to
get something out of her. Childbearing was much more dangerous in the ancient world. Unmindful
of the strain and pain Hagar endured to bring forth Ishmael, and the personal temptations this poor slave woman suffered from
the position others put her in against her will, it was easy for Abraham and Sarah to consider only themselves. Hagar fell prey to arrogance and prideful behavior toward Sarah, but in a backward culture where people
were constantly striving for status to safeguard their own personal wellbeing, Hagar was not strong enough to overcome such
feelings. Hagar was tired of feeling like a chattel to be used. She wanted human dignity and worth as a person, to be more than just a slave. Hagar’s owners tended
to treat her as an economic asset rather than a full-fledged person with an eternal soul.
They felt that they alone would be the beneficiaries of what could be produced by Hagar’s fertile young body.
Seething jealousy
and strife flared up from bottled-up tensions. After many years of very depressing
barrenness, Sarah finally had a son of her own whom they named Isaac. Now another worry was eating at Sarah. Isaac was not
so powerfully built as Ishmael. What if the physically stronger son of the slave woman seized control of the inheritance? Unless she took action, Sarah thought, her own personal security might be threatened
again, along with Isaac’s well-being.
The conflict
in Abraham’s camp came to a head when Hagar and her son were banished into the desert as liabilities and troublemakers. Sarah no longer wanted the fruit of her own hasty decision to hang around. Simple
enough to her. Mother and child must go. Abraham possessed vast wealth. But the two ex-slaves were sent away unescorted without any compensation for services
rendered. They were given only a
small amount of food and water. Now homeless wanderers, they must fend for themselves. But I looked after them because I truly
cared about them as human beings.
Abraham did
feel bad about sending Hagar and her son away, but he was oblivious to the hurt all
his own descendants would suffer in their continual conflict with each
other. This hurt perpetuated for countless generations and is still unresolved today.
So before you listen to some fool on TV urge you to take a leap of faith into your personal frying pan, learn from
the repercussions caused by Abraham’s error of hasty judgment. Never ,
never make any major move in your life lightly. Don’t proceed until you
are certain you do so with My guidance, wisdom and leading.
rely on your own strength to keep you afloat in the realm of the Spirit anymore. It
just won’t work. Only through the blood of My Son do any of you have the
right to ask Me for kindness and loving favor, not through anything you think you do “for God.” Preachers KNOW
you aren’t likely to get blessed with a monetary miracle for pampering them with your cash. As they take your money
over and over again, THEY’RE the ones who marvel at the miracle of My people’s gullibility.